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Making a Difference: How Does Social Change Happen?

Policymakers confront growing challenges in areas as diverse—and often interrelated—as climate change, social inequality, artificial intelligence, work, migration, declining biodiversity, and new threats to public health. Responses require changes or modifications to deeply entrenched social and economic structures. Consequently, reform attempts often generate conflict and resistance from those with a real or perceived interest in those structures. How can such conflict be managed to deliver urgently needed reforms? This question is central to social scientists, whose work is vital to both the implementation of effective policy, and to understanding the societal implications of policy choices. A panel of six leading social scientists will analyse foundations and strategies of policy change in their areas of expertise—including some of the biggest, most difficult and pressing global and national challenges. This panel will highlight the breadth, diversity, and interrelationships within and between, social scientific and other disciplines, and their central importance to addressing these challenges. Each panellist will address three thematic questions: What is the central conflict or problem inherent to their research topic? How can this be managed or overcome? What skills or insights enable social science to make a difference to public policy—and debate thereof—in their research field? Panel presentations will […]

You, Me, and the Pale Blue Dot: Climate Politics in Australia and at the Global Level


Have you ever wondered what is the real connection between you – an individual – and global climate change? You are not alone. As students, educators, office managers, researchers, lab specialists, and other workers, it is common to be confused about often complicated climate-related policy language, science, geo-engineering, and various movements, even when we are committed to the green lifestyle and environmental values. If you often wonder what the connection is between the individual and global and how can we interpret and understand often convoluted climate-related language, science, and policy, join us for a roundtable on September 6th. We will discuss climate policymaking and politics in Australia and beyond and, more importantly, the panelists will share their personal experiences and reflections on the role of ordinary individuals and the global picture of climate change. In the indefinite universe, the “pale blue dot” might seem to be of no particular interest, but as Carl Sagan said: “for us, it is different; It is us. It is home.” Date: Wednesday 6 September Time: 11am-12pm Format: Hybrid Venue: Law Theatre G02 Panelists: Dr Dhanasree Jayaram, Manipal Department of Geopolitics and International Relations Saniya Karimova, UNSW Alumna, Master of Development Studies Dr Deborah Barros […]

Developing research partnerships with schools


A workshop for school staff and researchers, presented by The Australian Sociological Association (Sociology of Education Thematic Group) What kinds of social research is of benefit to schools? How can schools make room for research? How can researchers co-design projects with schools to achieve common goals? How can researchers manage institutional barriers, e.g. onerous approvals processes, financial constraints, and time constraints? Social scientists working on education have always worked productively with schools. However, that is becoming increasingly difficult because of the pressures facing both schools and the research sector. The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers and school staff to share ideas and experiences, in order to increase understanding and create possibilities for new ways of working together. Participating researchers work on issues including: Educational inequality Cultural diversity and schooling Impacts of Covid on schooling Selective schools and educational segregation Transitions to post-school life Our panel includes: Cathy Wilton, Principal, Yennora Public School Sarah Loch, Research Director, Pymble Ladies College Kimberley Pressick-Kilborn, Research Director, Trinity Grammar College Eliza Buckley, Youth and Community Services Manager, 3 Bridges Community Centre Dr Quentin Maire, University of Melbourne


Can AI do this job? Hear from our industry experts!


Can Artificial Intelligence (AI) write a lesson plan for a new teacher? What about a script for a hit TV show? Can we use it for images, design, and more? This Swinburne-led panel brings together three experts from education, screenwriting, and design to take a closer look at AI-generated outputs. Join us for an online event where we analyse and discuss AI and its impact on our work in education, writing, and design. Mark your calendars for Wednesday 6 September 2023 at 3pm (Australian Eastern Standard Time) and don't miss this opportunity to gain valuable knowledge and engage in thought-provoking discussions. Discover how AI is impacting how we do our jobs. Our expert panellists will share their insights, experiences, and analysis of what AI can produce in their field. If you're curious about AI and its ability (and limitations) to work with us and for us, this event is for you! Our expert panel: Associate Professor Damien Lyons Damien Lyons has teaching experience from Foundation through to Year Six, most recently as a Teaching and Learning Coach. He has held a range of leadership positions within primary schools, provided professional development to teachers within Australia and internationally, and contributed to policy within […]


Can AI do this job? Hear from our industry experts!


Can Artificial Intelligence (AI) write a lesson plan for a new teacher? What about a script for a hit TV show? Can we use it for images, design, and more? This Swinburne-led panel brings together three experts from education, screenwriting, and design to take a closer look at AI-generated outputs. Join us for an online event where we analyse and discuss AI and its impact on our work in education, writing, and design. Mark your calendars for Wednesday 6 September 2023 at 3pm (Australian Eastern Standard Time) and don't miss this opportunity to gain valuable knowledge and engage in thought-provoking discussions. Discover how AI is impacting how we do our jobs. Our expert panellists will share their insights, experiences, and analysis of what AI can produce in their field. If you're curious about AI and its ability (and limitations) to work with us and for us, this event is for you! Our expert panel: Associate Professor Damien Lyons Damien Lyons has teaching experience from Foundation through to Year Six, most recently as a Teaching and Learning Coach. He has held a range of leadership positions within primary schools, provided professional development to teachers within Australia and internationally, and contributed to policy within […]
