Lost in diagnosis: Navigating the communication challenge of misdiagnosis in women

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Each year in Australia, approximately 140,000 diagnostic errors occur, resulting in estimated 21,000 serious injuries and between 2,000 to 4,000 deaths. Communication is a contributing factor in up to 80% of diagnostic errors. Misdiagnosis is potentially worse for women, who often feel unheard or dismissed in the clinical setting.
Lost in Diagnosis brings together patients, doctors, and health communication experts for an immersive and interactive discussion on the challenges women face when seeking diagnosis and the importance of communication in the diagnostic encounter. Combining personal experience with medical insight and health advocacy, our diverse panel will delve into these diagnostic difficulties, including dismissed pelvic pain and undetected heart disease.
Panel discussion
Moderated by Dr Amy Coopes, Canberra-based doctor, writer and editor at Croakey Health Media
Darlene Cox, Executive Director of Health Care Consumers Association Inc.
Jen Morris, Patient Safety Advocate
Dr Marisa Magiros, General Practitioner and medical educator, Royal Australian College of General Practitioners
Dr Arnagretta Hunter, cardiologist and Human Futures Fellow, College of Health and Medicine, Australian National University
Dr Mary Dahm, ARC DECRA Fellow and Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for Communication in Health Care (ICH) at the Australian National University
Wellspring: Enquiry and Exchange
Bringing campus to the community, Wellspring is an exciting series of immersive events that explores new depths of cultural enquiry and exchange. A collaboration between The Street Theatre and the ANU School of Literature, Languages and Linguistics, Wellspring invites Canberra’s curious to experience the inexhaustible source of human creativity and communication: from Cleopatra to women’s health, the bush to the International Space Station. Get ready for big bold ideas inviting curiosity and conversation.