The Adventure Therapy Power Couple

The Adventure Therapy Power Couple

Why are Margaret and Josh talking about adventure therapy on their wedding anniversary? Because it was working in an adventure therapy organisation in Alaska where the two met! This session will explore their most important takeaways from a career working...

Peer review in the Social Sciences

Peer review in the Social Sciences

Peer review is considered a hallmark of quality in academic research. But peer-review is a highly diverse process that is sometimes contradictory or unclear. Join our panel for this timely discussion as part of Social Sciences Week. This session explores what...

Professional Youth Work Outdoors

Professional Youth Work Outdoors

What does it mean to provide professional youth work outdoors? Is it simply having fun outside or is there more to it? In this discussion, founder of Gippsland Adventure Therapy, Doug Moczynski, presents on how youth workers can operationalise “professional youth...

Kids These Days: Harnessing the Heroism of Youth

Kids These Days: Harnessing the Heroism of Youth

Since 2010, we’ve experienced a 40% increase in youth mental health diagnoses. In that same decade, prescriptions of psychiatric medications increased by 50%. With suicide becoming the number one cause of death for young people today and half of the population now...