
Join SSW

Welcome to Social Sciences Week (SSW), a premier event in Australia celebrating the vital role that social sciences research plays in shaping our society. We thank our 2024 sponsors: RMIT University, UNSW School of Business and School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Australian Research Data Commons, the University of Sydney, Deakin Business School, Western Sydney University and UTS Communication and Education. 

As a sponsor of Social Sciences Week, they can connect with a diverse and passionate audience of academics, researchers, practitioners, and decision-makers who are all deeply interested in the social sciences. Their support allows us us to showcase their organisations while they also contribute to the advancement of knowledge and understanding of critical social issues.

Through sponsorship, you can demonstrate your commitment to fostering a more informed and engaged public and to promoting excellence in social sciences research and education. Our events provide a unique platform for thought leaders to exchange ideas, showcase their work, and connect with one another. We have one opportunity left for sponsorship, the Academy’s annual Great Debate which this year will be on Does social media unite or divide us?. 

Don’t miss out on the chance to be part of this important week. Contact us today to learn more about sponsorship and how you can get involved at info@socialsciences.org.au. We look forward to hearing from you!