Chats for the Goals: On Sundays, We Play
UTS Tower Building, Level 4 (Foyer Exhibition Space), University of Technology Sydney, Building 1 1/15 Broadway, UltimoJoin us on the 12th of September for the public reception of the photo exhibit 'On Sundays, We Play', a visual urban ethnography documenting the leisure practices of migrant domestic workers in Singapore, and a panel discussion with the project team on how we can build more inclusive and just cities. Many countries are now reliant on temporary migrant labour which is often sourced from the Global South. Yet despite being central to the growth of wealthy economies, migrant workers are granted little rights in the places in which they live and work. In the global city of Singapore, migrant domestic workers make up a fifth of the city state’s large foreign workforce. On Sundays, We Play documents ‘game day’ among hundreds of low-waged migrant domestic workers, mainly women from the Philippines, who gather every Sunday - their only day off from work - to play social volleyball on Old Terminal Lane, a plot of now disused land at the site of Singapore’s first airport. Largely unwelcome in the public spaces of the city, this forgotten space provides these women respite from the quasi-incarceration they experience as live-in 'maids' - every Sunday they shed their docile and subservient working selves […]