
Latest Past Events

Fabrication as Ethical Data Protection: A Methods Masterclass

RMIT Green Brain 336/348 Swanston Street, Storey Hall, Building 16, level 07, rooms 7&8, Melbourne

Protecting individuals’ identities is a continual challenge for researchers in the data age, when individuals can be easily identified based on their statements, images, and even their grammatical tendencies in writing or speaking. How can researchers using social science methods protect the privacy or anonymity of participants? One solution is to rebuild raw data into composite forms that present and/or evoke the researchers’ interpretations but do not use original materials gathered from participants. This is done primarily at later stages of the research when presenting findings. Using the strength of qualitative approaches, the researcher can transform verbal and visual materials gathered in field observations, interviews, and focus groups, as well as larger datasets generated through data scraping. In this masterclass, Professor Annette Markham presents her concept of ‘Ethical Fabrication’ followed by a workshop where participants practice techniques for building composites as narrative vignettes. The workshop will conclude with a brainstorming session on the practice and types of ethical fabrication in the era of generative AI. While it might seem easy to consider fabricating composite accounts in an automated fashion with cloud-based generative AI (ChatGPT, for example), this practice is ethical risky at present, as it essentially shares the raw dataset […]


Demystifying the potential: Inclusively collaborating with Lived Experience


A/Prof Marietta Martinovic leads The Beyond the Stone Walls Advisory Collective (BSWAC), which comprises of people with criminal justice lived experience, RMIT staff and students. As part of Social Sciences Week 2023, BSWAC will run an interactive session, which comprises of a diverse panel and workshop discussion. This session will centre on the themes of inclusivity, diversity and social collaboration with diverse lived experiences. This thought-provoking session will provide an opportunity to put fresh perspectives into practice. Participants will leave the session with their biases and preconceived beliefs shattered. Panellists include: Pattie - Lived Criminal Justice experience representative, BSWAC Michael - Lived Criminal Justice experience representative, BSWAC Kate Kennedy - Researcher Lived Criminal Justice experience, BSWAC Igor Tomic - Senior Program Manager, Justice Services, Corrections Victoria Melanie Field-Pimm - Development Manager, VACRO