

National CGE Modelling Workshop

JG Crawford Building, 132 Lennox Crossing, Acton, ACT 2601, Australia JG Crawford Building, 132 Lennox Crossing, Acton, ACT 2601, Australia

The Crawford School of Public Policy, ANU, and the VU Centre of Policy Studies are hosting the National Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) Modelling Workshop at the Weston Theatre in the Crawford School of Public Policy. The National CGE Workshop is an annual event that provides a forum for CGE modellers to exhibit and discuss their work. Register to be part of the audience and/or give a presentation. Students are encouraged to participate. The program will include a longer presentation from the key note speaker, and short presentations from participants of about 15—20 minutes, followed by questions The workshop will interest those new to CGE modelling, expert modellers and policy advisors who rely on modelling to analyse events with economic impacts. Link to the program: Program & venue The program will be over 2 days. A draft program is now available. Draft program - National CGE Modelling Workshop The workshop venue is the Weston Theatre, JG Crawford Building, 132 Lennox Crossing, Acton, ACT 2601, Australia.


An introduction to Computational Social Science


Computational social science (CSS) frequently uses Agent-based models (ABMs) to model social phenomena. ABMs are ‘bottom-up’ representations of individuals (computational agents) who exist within a society of other agents and who interact on a local scale based on sets of rules that govern their behaviour. When used like this, ABMs are attempts to create ‘Artificial Societies’ that we can study. The advantage of creating artificial societies is that imagined policies or interventions can then be made within these representations and the outcomes of those policies can be observed prior to implementation in the real world. The models can be anywhere between instructive or predictive, with the sophistication and detail of models often geared toward their purpose in this regard. In general, the most interesting models are those that try to replicate the generation of a large-scale social phenomenon when the mechanisms that create that phenomenon are currently unknown or contested (e.g., crowd behaviour, social behaviour, health behaviour, political behaviour, etc.). This session will introduce the audience to example agent-based models used in Computational Social Science and show how they can be used to augment existing research agendas, test theory, and trial simulated policies. We'll provide some very brief introductory 'how […]


Masterclass: Costume Design in Film with Oscar Winner Tim Chappel

Kaleide Theatre Kaleide Theatre, 360 Swanston St, Melbourne

Masterclass: Costume Design in Film with Oscar Winner Tim Chappel This year marks the 30th anniversary of Stephan Elliott’s 1994 masterpiece ‘The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert’. Join Beloved Australian costume designer Tim Chappel for an insight into his career and the role of costume design in storytelling. Chappel won an Academy Award, a BAFTA and an AFI Award for his costume design for the feature film The Adventures of Priscilla Queen of the Desert. He later revisited this work in the stage show, Priscilla and won the 2011 Tony Award for Best Costume Design in a Musical. At this workshop Tim will offer insights into his incredible career including the narrative power of great costumes, the different approaches to creating memorable characters and the visual poetry that costume can provide. We will also explore the essential joys of effective collaboration, communication and the dynamics of the film family and the importance of developing your own creative voice that loudly whispers, “Hire me, I’m amazing”. Presented in partnership with RMIT’s Social Change Enabling Impact Platform and RMIT Culture, as part of the Academy of the Social Sciences of Australia’s Social Sciences Week. Free, booking essential. Image: Still, ‘The Adventures […]