
Demystifying the potential: Inclusively collaborating with Lived Experience


A/Prof Marietta Martinovic leads The Beyond the Stone Walls Advisory Collective (BSWAC), which comprises of people with criminal justice lived experience, RMIT staff and students. As part of Social Sciences Week 2023, BSWAC will run an interactive session, which comprises of a diverse panel and workshop discussion. This session will centre on the themes of inclusivity, diversity and social collaboration with diverse lived experiences. This thought-provoking session will provide an opportunity to put fresh perspectives into practice. Participants will leave the session with their biases and preconceived beliefs shattered. Panellists include: Pattie - Lived Criminal Justice experience representative, BSWAC Michael - Lived Criminal Justice experience representative, BSWAC Kate Kennedy - Researcher Lived Criminal Justice experience, BSWAC Igor Tomic - Senior Program Manager, Justice Services, Corrections Victoria Melanie Field-Pimm - Development Manager, VACRO