
Harmful care, careful harm: relational entanglements in migration

Virtual , Australia

University of Sydney

This timely event will bring together experts from the diverse corners of the field of migration studies to consider the complex and dynamic relationship between care and harm in international migration. Scholars of migration have documented the multivarious forms of harm that arise from the systems, institutions and interactions surrounding the movements of people across borders. Researchers have also explored the many forms of local and transnational care that are created by, or persist despite, international migration. In this event, we explore the ways care and harm are interwoven, interdependent and mutually constitutive in diverse migration contexts. Relationships of care (for example, between migrants or between migrants and ‘allies’ in civil society) may arise in response or resistance to the harms imposed by exploitative policies and practices. Equally, policies and practices that appear to be ‘caring’ may reproduce, obscure or naturalise harm, at times perpetuating the very inequalities and injustices they purport to address. Grounded in diverse settings including immigration detention, aged care, temporary labour migration schemes, the family home, and media platforms, the speakers will present brief talks drawing on their specialist research. The speakers will then come together for a panel discussion of harmful care, careful harm, and the imperative to pursue more meaningful forms of care […]


Innovative methods for exploring financial abuse

Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn Campus ATC Lecture Theatre, 427-451 Burwood Rd, Hawthorn, Victoria

Swinburne University of Technology

Symposium series: ‘Understanding and intervening in financial abuse’ Financial abuse is an insidious, yet common, form of gendered violence. The 2024 – 2026 ARC Discovery Project ‘Prioritising women’s financial safety: Developing institutional interventions for intimate partner financial abuse’ aims to develop a framework for understanding post-separation financial violence. The Discovery Project includes funding for a four-part symposium series. The aim of the series is to bring together academics in law, criminology, sociology, economics with public policy and experts with experience of financial abuse to build a community of practice that, together, can seed collaborations and bring a wider suite of problems and reform proposals to the attention of policymakers. Expressions of interest The focus of this first symposium is to explore innovative and interdisciplinary methods for exploring financial abuse. The symposium will feature interactive panels, short academic papers, a collaborative mapping activity and time for informal discussions. To express interest in either: (1) presenting a paper, (2) contributing to a panel, or (3) participating as a delegate, and applying for a bursary if eligible, please complete this form. Please note that timeslots within the 6-hour symposium are extremely limited, so not all papers will be able to be accommodated. If […]
