
Addressing sensitive issues in the classroom

Recorded session

QUT Faculty of CreativeIndusties, Education and Social Justice

Queensland University of Technology  Recorded session – available anytime  Teachers cannot ignore sensitive issues. They may be circulating in the community or be part of the curriculum. For example, issues related to consent education, the Voice referendum, wars in foreign lands, climate change, nuclear power, religious discrimination and exemptions for schools, marriage equality, migration, refugees and social media influencer content can all make their ways into the classroom.  How should teachers respond: Is it best to ignore issues raised if they are not part of the curriculum? Should teachers say where they stand on particular topics? Can shutting down some debates protect vulnerable students? Does the raising of issues provide important teachable moments about engaging in civil discourse? Are there some topics which should never be discussed in the classroom? How do we determine age-appropriateness for some topics?  These and other questions were discussed at a recent Q&A panel consisting of academics from QUT’s School of Teacher Education and Leadership and experienced educators working in and with schools.   In this recorded session our panel explores ways to respond to and engage students when sensitive issues are raised in the classroom.  

Making a Difference: How Does Social Change Happen?

Recorded session

Academy of Social Sciences in Australia

Recorded session - available on demand Policymakers confront growing challenges in areas as diverse—and often interrelated—as climate change, social inequality, artificial intelligence, work, migration, declining biodiversity, and new threats to public health. Responses require changes or modifications to deeply entrenched social and economic structures. Consequently, reform attempts often generate conflict and resistance from those with a real or perceived interest in those structures. How can such conflict be managed to deliver urgently needed reforms? This question is central to social scientists, whose work is vital to both the implementation of effective policy, and to understanding the societal implications of policy choices. A panel of six leading social scientists analysed foundations and strategies of policy change in their areas of expertise—including some of the biggest, most difficult and pressing global and national challenges. This panel highlighted the breadth, diversity, and interrelationships within and between, social scientific and other disciplines, and their central importance to addressing these challenges. Each panellist addressed three thematic questions: What is the central conflict or problem inherent to their research topic? How can this be managed or overcome? What skills or insights enable social science to make a difference to public policy—and debate thereof—in their research field? […]

Power, Privilege and Place in Australian Society

008.04.013 Megaflex 3 Building 8, 360 Swanston St, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia


This event will launch the book 'Power, Privilege and Place in Australian Society', by Patrick O'Keeffe. 'Power, Privilege and Place in Australian Society' contributes to urgent discussions in key areas of Australian society. At a moment in time where a more progressive, caring, inclusive and optimistic public discourse is required, this book takes up the challenge of thinking constructively and creatively about the possibilities for change. This book is based on lectures developed for the RMIT University undergraduate course 'Australian Society in a Global Context', which was a collaborative teaching effort that drew on the expertise of numerous PhD candidates who taught in this course. To support the launch of this book, past tutors in this course will speak about their research, and identify opportunities for social change that disrupt power and privilege in Australia. Dr Stefani Vasil (Australian Catholic University) will speak about their research into experiences of gender based violence among migrant women. Dr Liam Davies (RMIT University) will discuss housing insecurity and the residualisation of public housing in Victoria. Dr Tuba Boz (RMIT University) will outline the role of sport and dance in building multiculturalism from the grassroots in suburban Melbourne. Dr Rachel Goff (RMIT University) will reflect on their work in developing culturally humble approaches […]

UNDERCOVER: The Hidden Faces of Homelessness

RMIT Storey Hall Lecture Theatre, Building 16, Room 016.01.001, Level 1 342-344 Swanston Street, Melbourne, VIC, Australia


The Homelessness and Housing Insecurity research theme of the Social Equity Research Centre invites you to a screening of the documentary, Undercover, followed by a panel discussion, UNDERCOVER: The Hidden Faces of Homelessness Narrated by Margot Robbie and sharing the often secret lives of an eclectic group of women across Australia, UNDER COVER shines a light on the devastating reality of older women’s experiences of homelessness. UNDER COVER follows ten of these women. For these women, life hasn’t panned out the way they expected. They've lived in nice houses, worked good jobs, educated their children and then suddenly ... life unravelled and through no fault of their own, they found themselves unable to pay their rent or mortgage. The women featured in UNDER COVER, are all over 50, and are a diverse group from varied backgrounds - wealthy, poor, middle class, working, unemployed, migrant and Indigenous. Faced with the hardships of housing stress and ageing, these women are seeking to find a home to call their own, for the final chapter of their lives. Their moving but optimistic portraits reveal the struggles these women face, and lay bare the flaws in our society, as well as our economic fragility in the modern […]

The role and purpose of Lived Experience Advisory Panels.

Virtual , Australia

La Trobe University

This session will introduce participants to the important contribution Lived Experience Advisory Panels can make to research and how the decision to include a panel is grounded in a commitment to co-design and the increased expectation that experts by experience are involved in care economy research. We will discuss emerging practices including how to engage and work with a diversity of perspectives and address issues power sharing in research.


Writing out from the Academy

Macquarie University 25 Wally's Walk, North Ryde, New South Wales, Australia

Macquarie University

Presented by Macquarie University’s School of Social Sciences, in partnership with the Imagined Lives research collective, Sydney Review of Books, and the Centre for Applied History. Join us for a special event which brings together scholars, creative writers and publishers to discuss the practices, challenges and affordances of ‘writing out from the academy.’​ ​Program​ 1.30pm-2.30pm Session One​ ‘The ethics and aesthetics of social science research.’ ​ Panel discussion: Lisa Wynn, Kirsten Bell, Randa Abdel-Fattah, and Kate Rossmanith​ 2.30pm-3pm: Afternoon Tea​ 3pm-4pm: Session Two: ​ ‘The generalised essay’​ James Jiang (editor, Sydney Review of Books), with Christian Gelder and Kate Rossmanith Over the past several decades, more and more academic researchers are using different forms of writing as part of their scholarly practice. They are producing novels, short stories, nonfiction monographs, memoir, biography, literary journalism, essays and poetry. These writing innovations have been driven by the reflexive turn in the social sciences, the humanities’ interest in questions of subjectivity, artists and writers entering the academy and the acceptance of creative practice research, and, more recently, the expectation that scholars produce ‘approachable’ work that has ‘real world impact’​ Researchers working with such forms of writing are confronted by particular compositional and philosophical […]


How organisations thrive in a fast-changing global society: Challenges and opportunities

Virtual , Australia


In an era marked by rapid technological advancements, evolving market dynamics, and unprecedented global interconnectedness, organisations are constantly navigating a landscape of both challenges and opportunities. This event will delve into the strategies and insights that enable organisations to not only survive but thrive in such a fast-changing global society. Join the following innovative academic thinkers as they explore the key factors that contribute to organisational success amidst volatility and complexity. Professor David Fan (Human Resource Management) Dr My Nguyen (Finance) Dr Marian Makkar (Marketing) Dr. June Tran (Management) Through an expert-led panel discussion, attendees will gain a comprehensive understanding of embracing cultural diversity, sustainability and corporate responsibility and global market trends and opportunities. This event is a must-attend for executives, managers, and professionals who are keen on equipping their organisations with the tools and knowledge needed to thrive in a rapidly changing world. Attendees will leave with actionable insights and practical strategies to drive their organisations forward, ensuring they remain competitive and resilient in the face of ongoing global challenges. Join us as we explore the multifaceted ways in which organisations can achieve lasting success in a fast-changing global society. Tuesday 10 September 2024 Time: 2-3pm Online via Teams

Fostering Social Cohesion: Intercultural Strategies for Strengthening Australian Multiculturalism

Virtual , Australia

Swinburne University of Technology

Co-hosted with Swinburne University and iGen Foundation, this webinar will explore the role of intercultural strategies in fostering social cohesion and inclusion in Australia. Australia was one of the first countries, along with Canada, to adopt multiculturalism. Over four decades later, as threats to our social cohesion grow, local, state, and federal governments are exploring how intercultural strategies can strengthen our multicultural policy framework. Please join us to hear from our distinguished panel of speakers about their work in this field. Panel Mr. Hass Dellal, Panel Chair for the Commonwealth’s Multicultural Framework Review, will discuss the role of intercultural strategies in the recently released Multicultural Framework Review. Ms. Vesna Haracic Manager, Community Diversity & Inclusion, City of Salisbury, South Australia, will discuss the groundbreaking application of intercultural strategies in the City of Salisbury, Adelaide. The panel will be chaired by Dr. Glenda Ballantyne, Senior Lecturer, Swinburne, and Co-convenor, Intercultural Cities Australian National Network. Bios Dr Bulent (Hass) Dellal AO is the Executive Director of the Australian Multicultural Foundation, Chair of the Australian Multicultural Council, the former Chair of SBS (Special Broadcasting Service) and appointed Panel Chair for the Commonwealth’s Multicultural Framework Review, May 2023. He has over 30 years of experience […]

The Right to Housing in Australia

The Capitol 113 Swanston Street, Melbourne, Victoria


With so many Australian cities facing problems of housing affordability, how can we guarantee that all Australians have access to safe, secure housing? As property prices rise, dragging rents with them, we are rapidly losing the qualities that long made Australian cities some of the most liveable in the world.  Leaders and policy makers routinely propose solutions to Australia’s housing crisis, though few have led to significant change. Australian housing debates seems to be caught in stalemate at present. This session seeks new ideas by drawing together some of Australia’s leading authorities on housing policy to discuss options for the future of housing in Australian cities. Moderated by Professor Libby Porter (Director of RMIT University's Centre of Urban Research), the event will include: The Hon. Kevin Bell AO KC, Former Supreme Court Judge & Monash Adjunct Emma Dawson, Executive Director, Per Capita Jorden van den Berg, Emma Power, Western Sydney University Cameron Duff, RMIT University Learn more about the speakers.  How can we restore the principles of access, affordability and fairness to our housing markets? Can we have a right to housing in Australia? How can we develop more just, inclusive and affordable housing solutions for all Australians? Please note […]


Social Science for Systems Change: Engaging Students as Genuine Participants in School Bushfire Planning

Virtual , Australia +1 more


"The adults need more input from the kids because we have a lot of ideas that can help" - Year 8 student, Upwey High School. Across Victoria, approximately 430 schools are listed on the Department of Education (DoE) Bushfire At-Risk Register (BARR). Inclusion on the BARR requires a school to pre-emptively close on catastrophic fire danger days, develop bushfire emergency management plans and undertake other bushfire preparedness activities. Reflecting developments in child- and youth-centred disaster risk management, both in Australia and globally, the DoE’s policy guidance for BARR schools explicitly recognises that involving students as genuine participants in school bushfire planning and preparedness will increase their capacity to cope in the event of a bushfire emergency. Supporting the participation of young people in the design and implementation of policies, plans and standards for disaster risk reduction is also identified as a priority action in the Victorian Government’s Education and Training Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan. This hybrid event, supported by RMIT University and the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia, will showcase innovative new research on student participation in bushfire planning in Victorian secondary schools.  Researchers from RMIT University and Leadrrr will share the latest findings of participatory action research […]